Who we are

The oldest bar of Asia which is also considered to be the mother of all the Bars in Delhi i.e. Delhi Bar Association (DBA) which is a professional organization that represents the interests of lawyers practicing in Delhi, India. It is a voluntary association of advocates, which was established in 1888 and has since been functioning as a platform for lawyers to network, share knowledge and expertise, and collectively work towards the betterment of the legal profession in Delhi.

The Delhi Bar Association has several objectives, including promoting legal education, maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct among its members, protecting the rights and interests of its members, providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among lawyers, and promoting access to justice.

The association also plays an important role in advocating for the rights of lawyers and ensuring that their interests are represented in the legal system. It organizes various events, seminars, and workshops for its members and provides legal aid and assistance to those in need.